Sunday, March 29, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor - Can You Become Your Own Organic Chemistry Tutor?

Organic Chemistry Tutor - Can You Become Your Own Organic Chemistry Tutor?If you are looking for an organic chemistry tutor then you have probably done a little research on the internet in order to find one. I've found that the internet is a great place to start your search, but I want to talk about a few options available so that you can find the best one for you.Online tutors have advantages for you. The obvious one is that they are not in your class, therefore you won't be interacting with them, which means you won't get pressured into doing work they don't need to do. On the other hand, you will have to pay them for their services, and if you've never taken chemistry before, this could be difficult for you.One of the problems with online tutors is that they can sometimes be incompetent or give you information that is confusing. This is one of the reasons why I would recommend hiring an organic chemistry tutor to be your primary source of help. The instructor will show you everyth ing you need to know about organic chemistry, and will also give you feedback on your work. Most online organic chemistry tutor do this well and can be trusted because of this.Unfortunately, many online organic chemistry tutor are not as knowledgeable as the instructors. Many of these online tutors don't even have any training or experience at all in organic chemistry, which means they can't really give you the advice that you need. You have to decide for yourself whether you want to spend your time getting tutored by someone you don't know, or simply going through the course and studying for your exams.A less experienced organic chemistry tutor can actually help you, because they can correct your work and give you feedback on your homework assignments. It's just that the time will be up when you next visit the teacher. These people will give you some kind of feedback, either verbally or in writing, which is exactly what you will need.Now, if you are willing to put in the time and t he effort to become your own organic chemistry tutor, then a good online organic chemistry tutor can actually help you become an excellent organic chemistry tutor. It may take a lot of time and effort, but if you become an excellent organic chemistry tutor then you could make a whole lot of money from it. You'll have to come up with a test, review it, and answer a test, but once you've done that you'll know what you're talking about.I think the most important thing to remember about organic chemistry is that you need to be able to understand the textbook material, as well as other methods that may be available to you to learn more about chemistry. So this is why you need to search for organic chemistry tutor that have sufficient background in organic chemistry, and in my opinion, this is done by simply looking for someone who has experience in organic chemistry.Getting advice from someone who is actually in your field will give you the best advice possible. This is especially true w hen you're getting advice on one of the most important subjects in the world of chemistry.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to change a good school to a great school

How to change a good school to a great school What separates good schools from great schools? Since we know you’ve moved mountains (or at least scoured the globe) to find the best teachers possible, often times transforming your school from good to great can mean only a few small administrative adjustments. Great schools, put simply, are the schools that identify and implement the strategies necessary to get great results from students and retain the best teachers. We’ve encountered principals and administrators that understand this concept in its abstract form, but don’t know what tactics to implement to get started on their analysis. One of the most important thing to consider when performing this analysis is your teachers, as they’re the lifeblood of any given school. Teachers should be able to get together with each other and with administration to discuss course learning goals and curriculum criteria on a regular basis. In great schools, the goals that are identified out of these discussion sessions are made uniform across classrooms. Before you engage teachers in a discussion session, it’s a good idea to formulate which questions you should ask them to consider during these sessions. We’re sharing some great ones below: As teachers, what are we trying to accomplish and what goals do you set for yourself and your classroom? How do your students achieve these goals? How are they doing? How do you evaluate how well they’re doing? What assessment methods do you employ? How are you helping the students that need a little more support? Sitting down and asking these questions to your teachers can often kick-start improvements at the classroom level that can begin to make great changes in a school’s culture and student success rate. hbspt.cta.load(2736097, '7f899091-104b-40c4-ac00-7892e8fcb303', {});

The Fall 2018 Subscription You Need Cengage Unlimited

The Fall 2018 Subscription You Need Cengage Unlimited via The new partnership is resulting in Cengage Unlimited: the subscription that allows college students access to over 22,000 products across 70 different disciplines. Launching this fall, a semester subscription is $119.99, allowing college students to access their class materials online. Should you prefer materials in print form, rent your materials for free just pay the $7.99 shipping expense. If youd like a one-year subscription, Cengage Unlimited offers a discounted price of $179.99. Companies like Amazon and Chegg have been offered access to educational materials online for a while now. However, students are sometimes worried about renting class materials out of fear theyll need a certain textbook in the future. Feeling the need to keep a textbook is a typical thought college students have these days. Whether its for the next class in sequence, or simply because the textbook was helpful, collecting textbooks isnt a bad idea. Cengage Unlimited has already foreseen this issue and will give students the option to keep up to six textbooks in their digital locker after their subscription ends. By partnering with Follett, Cengage now has access to all 80,000 schools, 1,200 campus stores, and 1,600 virtual stores. As textbooks become seemingly more expensive every year, college students are growing more and more frustrated with the amount of money required to be prepared for class. But the new partnership between Cengage and Follett will create access to affordable educational resources, aiming to meet the ever-growing demand from college students. Before you spend an ungodly amount on textbooks for the semester, consider buying a subscription to Cengage Unlimited for convenient, online access to your textbooks. Visit their website  to sign up for email updates so you can be ready to sign up as soon as the subscription launches this fall!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Smart Tutoring Systems Work

How Smart Tutoring Systems WorkIntelligent tutoring systems are one of the great innovations that has been coming out in the last few years. These systems are different from other tutoring services because they are based on a digital format that has applications that can be used by any tutor at any time.Most tutors have to rely on data to help them work with students on the internet, but now you can find all the information on the topics you are working on in a compact package for a user online. You can quickly use the tutoring system to find a particular person and see what he or she is like based on the information you find.While this is convenient, you should know that many times the tutor uses different personal information that you might want to keep private. With intelligent tutoring systems it will be possible to see what the tutor is doing at any time and get suggestions for how you can better utilize the systems you have. You may want to see what the tutor is doing on a part icular program, which means that you can quickly access the tutoring system.Some users also have the ability to find a tutor's track record and ability to work with students. Many people take for granted that they have to work with a tutor based on the previous work they have done. With the use of smart tutoring systems, you can find out all the information that the tutor is doing with students so that you can determine if you would like to do business with that person.People find that they don't work as well as they did before because they didn't have the ability to connect with their clients online and get more of the information they needed to make changes. These tutoring systems allow users to find out all the information that the tutor is doing and connect with them.Often times people find that they don't have the power that they need to get the information they need because they have a tutor in person. The use of intelligent tutoring systems is one way that people are finding to solve that problem.You can also use the tutoring system to make changes or decide to move on to another tutor and you will still be able to find out what the tutor is doing. You can check your email from the tutoring system, so you can keep up with the progress of the tutor. You can even view any chat room you want and use it to connect with your client as you work with them on their specific programs.

What Should You Look For When Selecting an Organic Chemistry Tutor?

What Should You Look For When Selecting an Organic Chemistry Tutor?If you are an undergraduate looking for an exciting career in organic chemistry, then you need to work with a qualified organic chemistry tutor. As a matter of fact, these two concepts are very similar and what sets them apart is their respective rates. Although organic chemistry tutors are still not as common as calculus tutors, the demand for organic chemistry tutors will be on the rise, given the increasing number of students who will need to take calculus classes.Of course, there are a lot of colleges where this type of student can be found. With its growing popularity, there are now colleges that cater only to pre-calculus. That is why there are now so many universities offering science courses specifically targeted at pre-calculus.These courses are actually much better than the other math tutors because they will allow students to improve their grades in calculus before it is mandatory to do so. It has been said that a well-prepared student can outscore the rest of the class. Since such courses help students learn different topics that are part of organic chemistry, they can improve the effectiveness of the class. In other words, they are a great way to earn college credits.Most college professors believe that these courses will also improve the overall creativity of the students, and that is why it is considered more helpful to them. For example, most college professors may see organic chemistry as being very flexible, meaning that the students are able to change their minds more often.When deciding which college to enroll in, most students will choose one that offers organic chemistry tutors as an important part of the curriculum. Since organic chemistry is a rather involved subject, even high school students would be able to learn a lot more by taking organic chemistry classes. Of course, this does not mean that they will improve their grades in calculus, but it does mean that they will not fall behind the other students if they take their class with them.But what exactly is a great organic chemistry tutor? The best organic chemistry tutor will have a passion for teaching organic chemistry and be an expert in his field. Most tutors will keep in touch with the latest research in organic chemistry to ensure that their students get the information that they need to succeed. That is why it is important for them to be accredited and provide references for students who request one.The best organic chemistry tutor is a valuable asset for students that want to increase their grades. As long as they are willing to work hard to improve their grades, they will be able to get a better job later on. In the end, it is better to know what exactly you are getting when you enroll in a college that offers organic chemistry courses.


Discriminant Discriminant is an expression that is used to determine the properties of an equation. The Discriminant of an equation gives the number of roots and nature of roots. In quadratic equation ax^2 + b x+ c =0, the discriminant is b^2 4ac. This discriminant is used to find out number and nature of roots of quadratic equation. More on Discriminant If discriminant = 0 then equation has one real root. If discriminant 0, then the equation has 2 real roots. If discriminant 0, then the equation has two imaginary roots. Problem 1: Find out the number of solutions of the equation by using its discriminant. Check whether the solutions are real or imaginary. 3x^2 + 12 x + 12 = 0 Solution: Given equation is 3x^2 + 12 x + 12 = 0 = Now compare the equation with standard form ax^2 + b x + c= 0 = The value of a = 3, b = 12 and c=12 = We know Discriminant is b^2 - 4ac = Substitute the values: b^2 - 4ac = 12^2 4(3)(12) = 0 = Since the Discriminant = 0 the equation has one real solution. Problem 2: Find out the nature of roots of the Quadratic equation 2x^2 5x 12 = 0 by using its discriminant. Solution: Given equation is 2x^2 5x 12 = 0 = Now compare the given equation with standard form ax^2 + b x + c= 0 = The value of a = 2, b = -5 and c= -12 = Discriminant = b^2 - 4ac = (-5) ^ 2 4 (2) (-12) = 121 = Since, Discriminant = 121 0. = Therefore the roots are real and unequal.

6 Things You Can Do to Support Your Young Composer

6 Things You Can Do to Support Your Young Composer Sign up successful However, composition can be taught to children. Most young children are creative and musical by nature, which is evident in their love of nursery rhymes, sing-a-longs, musical toys, and vivid make-believe worlds. In addition, composition: Instills deeper music intelligence beyond simply listening to music or playing an instrument. Fosters general life skills, such as problem-solving and decision-making. This includes thinking in and about sound, exploring sounds, and generating, testing, and selecting ideas. Imparts self-esteem.  Composing music that students can then listen to, download to their cell phone, and play for their friends is a unique and powerful experience. Want to help? As a parent, here are six things you can do to support your young composer: 1. Expose them to a lot of music Providing children with a musical environment at home is very important, as they will most likely start to compose by mimicking the music they hear around them. Play the radio in the car, let them watch cartoons with music, sing children’s songs with them, take them to a musical now and then, and have some Mozart playing in the background while you’re cooking. They will absorb it all. 2. Introduce them to a musical instrument Composing music is a lot easier when you have an instrument to compose on. The most common instrument for composition is piano, because you can play melody and accompaniment at the same time. Guitar is another popular option. Playing an instrument also helps children learn musical theory and note-reading, which will ultimately make them better musicians and more confident composers. Even getting a small keyboard and letting them play around on it can be very helpful in encouraging musical exploration. 3. Focus on telling a story Composing can be very abstract. To make things a little more concrete, focus on telling a story with music. Ask them what sounds remind them of specific emotions and images. For example, holding down the pedal on the piano will have a “dreamy” effect, while playing staccato notes on very high keys might sounds like a little bird. Going down by half steps might be someone walking down the stairs. Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf is a wonderful example of personifying music, so I would suggest listening to this piece together as a start. 4. Don’t censor them When your child first sets out to write music, don’t worry about her being the next Mozart. The piece she writes might be completely non-sensical, with no clear structure or hook and starting out that way is fine. Her first drawings were probably messy blobs, but you still proudly displayed them on the refrigerator. Think of early compositions in the same way. 5. Create a tangible representation of the composition There is nothing as powerful to students as having a tangible representation of their work. Because musical notation is a relatively advanced skill, don’t worry about having them write their music down yet. You could record their piece on a CD and display it with the rest of your CD collection. Or they could draw a picture of their piece if it tells a story or make an abstract finger painting. And don’t forget to give it a title! This is one of the most fun parts for them and makes them feel the piece is real. 6. Consider private composition lessons Once your child shows interest and aptitude for composing music, enrolling him in private composition lessons will help him grow. A teacher trained in music composition can give young composers direction, instruct them on harmony and form, get them to think more abstractly, encourage them, and help them find their unique musical voice. Middle school or even late elementary is not too young to start, depending on their own motivation and interest. On a personal note, I began making up songs at age four, began piano lessons at age six, and was formally composing music by age nine. I was lucky enough to have a private piano teacher who encouraged me and never made me feel I was too young for composition. No one ever told me I couldnt do it, so I assumed I could â€" and I did, eventually earning my Masters in Music Composition. Composition isnt just for prodigies â€" it’s a form of artistic expression that every child is capable of doing. And who knows? With the right encouragement and guidance, they might surprise you. Natalie L. teaches singing, piano, songwriting, and more in New York, New York. She has a Master of Music in music theory and composition from New York University, a Bachelor of Music in musical theater from the Catholic University of America, and a certificate in vocal performance from the Peabody Prepratory.  Learn more about Natalie here!   Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo  by  Ian Muttoo